Sunday, June 3, 2012

The story continues

February 2012:  Once I got settled into Nairobi again, I started making plans to return to Sudan, specifically Thiangrial.  I lived at Thiangrial in 2008-2009.  The base was closed down in 2009, so this trip was a survey trip to assess the condition of the base, and to spend time with the Thiangrial community.  Oh what a blessing to be back in Sudan, and to be back in Thiangrial, to greet people I had not seen in three years.  Thank you Jesus.

Once into Malakal we traveled by road to Mulet, then onto Thiangrial, it was a very long ride, on rough roads, but oh the joy in my heart as we reached the village.
                                          Above were some of the roads we traveled on
       The village, it was good in one way to see that nothing had changed, but sad in another.
   So my tent that was left at the base in 2009 is still standing and still in pretty good shape.  Praise the Lord.
    There was going to have to be quite a bit of work done, before the compound was livable again.  But oh how my heart filled with joy, as I saw Peter the guard again, and so many others in the village.

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