Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Back Home in Thiangrial

I am back and it has been wonderful. To see how God has been working, to greet all my Thiangrial family again, and to start teaching. God's abundant blessings. Many greetings, many tears so grateful to our Lord and Savior for bringing us all back safely.
A day in Thiangrial starts before day break, preparing for the day of teaching, moving water from tanks, into filtering systems, preparing breakfast, devotionals with the team, and giving the day to the Lord.
School started September 1st, and we thank God for the safe return of all the students. God has provided a new building and we were able to start school there. God's perfect timing, upon our return the Tukel we taught in was leaning at about a 60 degree angle.

1 comment:

Jen said...

What an amazing sunset! Thank you for sharing pictures. We miss you!