Sunday, July 1, 2012

The day in the life of SIM Sudan logistics

I think of the things we go through when we make plane reservations whether they be in the US or International and I thank God for how easy it is.  I wanted to share with everyone just one day in the life of our logistics department and team and how fast things can change. 

Proverbs 16:9 says, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.”

The Faders made all their plans; Visa’s (check), Passports (check); cargo sent to Juba (check); Commercial airline tickets to Juba (check); bags packed (check); food purchased (check); communication with Leah on the MAF charter flight (check). Excited and ready to start their journey back into South Sudan and Melut.

Leah: Confirmed charter (check); transported cargo to Juba (check); communicated with Moses in Juba concerning additional items to be purchased (check); communicated with Nate, and Tom to be at the airstrip to fly to Doro (check); all is in place and ready to go.

How fast can our plans change: This morning Faders at Jomo at 5:30am awaiting their flight to Juba, and connecting flight to Paloich and their transition back to South Sudan and Melut. Jomo airport closed at 4:30 am due to a disabled airplane on the runway!!! No flights going out.

Waiting to see if Jomo will reopen, and the flight to Juba will go forward, MAF contacted of the situation. Everyone is in a wait mode. Finally the time is getting late to late for the Faders to connect with the MAF charter flight. Leah on the phone with MAF, canceling the flight to Paloich, and trying to see if they have another flight tomorrow, no MAF doesn’t have anything available until Saturday, OH that won’t work, there are people in Melut that need to get to Doro to connect with a flight on June 8th. On the phone with Tim at AIM, do they have anything, yes they have a flight we can use tomorrow (Thursday) PTL. Okay communicating with MAF please off load cargo and take to the AIM hanger, in the mean time the Faders are still at the airport waiting to see if they can get to Juba today.

SIM team mates waiting at the Paloich airstrip for plane, communication is almost impossible due to the networks. People thinking they are leaving today for Doro, that Faders are arriving, and a lorry waiting to be loaded with all the Faders personal effects. Finally able to communicate with Melut team, no need to stay at air strip, no flight coming in today. God willing the Faders will arrive tomorrow on an AIM Charter, arrival time between 9am and 10am. Cargo and passengers for Doro will go on this flight.

Faders still at Jomo, but have been told they will fly to Juba today, now finding somewhere for them to spend the night. It is now 3:42pm Leah is on the phone trying to find a place for them to stay. MAF, full, SP full, SIL, full Lord help us to find a place for this weary family to lay their heads tonight.

We make our plans, but we need to hold them very loosely, because things can change, and most of the time it is out of our control. If we believe that God is Sovereign than we also believe that none of this day took Him by surprise. He knew exactly what this day would hold, the road blocks that would be put up, and exactly how it would all be worked out. For His glory.

We need to all keep in mind how fast things can change, and that we would all be ready to turn things loose and just roll the way we need.

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.” Let’s all hold our plans with open hands.

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