Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Sudan Team

In February the Lord lead me to be apart of the Sudan team in Nairobi.  God showed me that for this short time my gifts would be better used here.  What a blessing it was to be a part of the Logistics team and to work with my Kenyan brothers and sisters.  I would like you to meet the logistics team.
Debbie, Peter, Alfred, Stephen, Leah (little Graham) and Terry

Right before I started my trip to the US, the Sudan team had their SLC (Spiritual Life Conference) up at a beautiful location called Brackenhurst.  God has created such beauty, and His provision for this conference was outside Nairobi at about 8000 feet.  Thank you Jesus
Meet some of the team
 Daniel Yor
 VolleyBall anyone
 Just taking time to rest
 Chris and Jonathan with Heather sitting on the grass
 Bethany and Rose

I am stateside now, and enjoying being home in Silverton Oregon, with my family and my church family.  When we walk with the Lord we are always on a journey.  I will be home for 9 months, and excited to see what God has in store during this time.

Please continue to pray for Sudan; as they move forward to becoming their own country, pray for strong leaders who know the Lord, for wise decisions as they rebuild the infrastructure, and please continue to pray for peace.


Kelly Hopkins said...

I will be going to South Sudan in March (though I'm leaving at the end of this month to go to other countries in Africa first). I need a contact in S. Sudan, and I need it ASAP! Can you help me?
Kelly H.
Salem, OR

Kelly said...

Here's my email address: kahop@comcast.net