Sunday, January 18, 2009

November 2008

Where we Worship
God's Provisions beforeThe arrival of God's provisions down the White NileCarrying the precious cargo from the river to the churchThe long awaited church pews outside the church God's provisions:
Church in a mud hut with a grass roof. Voices raised at the top of their lungs singing praises to our Lord and Savior. Sitting on plastic chairs borrowed from the school, or just sitting on the mud floor. God doesn't care what type of building your in because we are there to worship Him and we don't need a building to do that.

What a privilege it was when God spoke to the heart of one to provide benches for the church. How would this be done? It they have to be built in Kenya than there is the cost of air shipping them into Sudan, which would be very expensive. But God said no, I am going to supply everything right here in Sudan, so I watched in AWE as He brought the carpenter, showed us where to get the supplies, and we were able to arrange transport by road and than up the White Nile river. We had originally said who 30 benches would be such a blessing. Well God provided 56 benches. Enough for the church, the primary school, and the women's literacy class.

Praise His Holy Name

1 comment:

Carrie S said...

Yeah, pictures of God's benches! What a joy it must have been to sit on them and be in awe at His provision!