Sunday, January 27, 2008


Gods team with brothers and sisters from Ethiopia, Wales, New Zealand, England, Kenya, Canada and America. Some are newborn and some are...experienced. But what a terrific and stretching time it was as we grew to know each other and heard what the past year has been like for each other. A new year is ahead so please continue to pray for the peace of Sudan to hold and the love of Christ to be shared honestly and faithfully through our lives.


Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie!

Just checking in with you and soaking up some of your contagious joy. = )


Anonymous said...

Debbie, Just missing you and loving reading your comments! I wish there was a way for you to post more often, but we are loving getting updates through Cheri and praising God for the provision of the satellite phone and how well it's been working! You are prayed for every day!