Sunday, September 30, 2007

Preparing for the field

God's abundant blessings. CIT, God has provided a setting to be able to learn, to spend hours in His Word and grow deeper deeper. I LOVE IT!!!!. CIT is scripture based with God at the head. We start every day with devotionals, than go into the days learning, Life mapping, Learning Styles, Worldview, Ethnocentrism, Did you know that people growing up knowing only one culture and language are monocultural, and that Momoculturalsim is the assumption that all other people are like us. Cross Cultural Communication and so much more. The brothers and sisters that are teaching us have all spent time on different fields as missionaries, and they are willing to share with us and be transparent, to help equip us for our different fields. Pray for us as we continue learning. The learning will never end, we have a lifetime of learning.

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