Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 9, 2011

First off I want to thank everyone for all their prayers, as Sudan moved closer and than into the week of voting. January 9 - 15th.

It was an incredible week. God answered so many prayers as the elections went off very peacefully and reports from outside observers say that it was very fair too. The North is taking an enormous step in accepting the results: the South has decided to overwhelming vote for succession. This will take place in July 2011.

Please I encourage you to keep praying. Sudan, both North and South, is at a crossroads and the decisions they will make over the next few months will have dramatic impact on their future.

North Sudan: Pray that God will keep the door open for the gospel.
South Sudan: Pray for peace as the government develops and for careful development.
Pray that God will keep a door open to the south for the Gospel.

God is faithful

Much has happened since the last time I posted to my blog, let me share some of what has been happening.

Sudan was facing a critical time in their history, the Referendum Vote was scheduled for January 9Th, this would be a vote to decide the future for south and north Sudan. So in preparation of this vote we as a team were brought off the field.

It was a time of many farewells, tears, laughter, and prayer. God allowed me to be a part of what He was doing in my village, and as I taught Mother Tongue literacy along with Sani and Daud (two mabaan translators that God provided), we were humbled as we watched ladies that couldn't read or write their mother tongue get to the point where they could read at a first grade level. My prayer was that I would be able to leave them with the Word of God in their language and that they would be able to read it. God answered that prayer. Thank you Jesus.

Katrina, Daud (teacher), Roda, Sani (teacher), Rebeka, Mary, Elizabeth, Mary. And the last picture is me with my Mabaan daughter and son. This was our time of giving thanks to God for what He has done, and honoring the women for their commitment.

God opened up the door of opportunity for Sani, Daud and I to go to the clinic two to three days a week and teach HIV/AIDS Awareness. We would do the teaching in three different languages, Mabaan (mother tongue), Arabic, and English. What you see in the background is the clinic which is showing the damage from the war. Those are bullet holes.